torchbox.utils package
torchbox.utils.colormaps module
torchbox.utils.colors module
- torchbox.utils.colors.gray2rgb(gray, cmap, drange=[0, 255], fmtstr=False)
Converts gray images to rgb image
converts gray images to rgb image according to the specified colormap string ‘cmap’, supported are:
.- Parameters:
gray (torch tensor) – The gray image \(N\times H\times W\), or the gray images \(N\times H\times W\), \(N\) is the number of images.
cmap (str or colormap) – colormap string
drange (list or tuple) – The low and high value, default is
[0, 255]
fmtstr (bool or str) – Specifies the format (
, ,'float64'
) for the output rgb matrix. (default isFalse
, don’t change)
:param see also
import torchbox as tb import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import torch as th cmap = 'jet' # cmap = 'hsv' # cmap = 'hot' # cmap = 'parula' gray = ts.imread('../../data/images/LenaGRAY256.png') print(gray.shape) rgb = gray2rgb(gray, cmap, [0, 1], False) # rgb --> double, [0, 1] # rgb = gray2rgb(gray, cmap, [0, 255], False) # rgb --> double, [0., 255.] # rgb = gray2rgb(gray, cmap, [0, 255], True) # rgb --> uint8, [0, 255] print(gray.shape, th.min(gray), th.max(gray), gray.dtype) print(rgb.shape, th.min(rgb), th.max(rgb), rgb.dtype) plt.figure() plt.subplot(121) plt.imshow(gray, cmap=tb.parula if cmap == 'parula' else cmap) plt.subplot(122) plt.imshow(rgb)
- torchbox.utils.colors.rgb2gray(rgb, fmt='chnllast')
Converts RGB image to GRAY image
Converts RGB image to GRAY image according to
\[G = 0.2989R + 0.5870G + 0.1140B \]see matlab’s
function for details.see also
.- Parameters:
rgb (Tensor) – Original RGB tensor.
fmt (str, optional) – Specifies the position of channels in
tensor, surpported are: -'chnllast'
(default) -'chnlfirst'
torchbox.utils.const module
torchbox.utils.convert module
- torchbox.utils.convert.bstr2int(b, endian='<', signed=True)
convert binary string data to integer
- Parameters:
- Returns:
The integer in decimal.
- Return type:
n = -123 bs = int2bstr(n, 4, '<', signed=True) print(bs) print(hex(n)) print(bstr2int(bs, '<')) bs = int2bstr(n, 4, '>', signed=True) print(bs) print(hex(n)) print(bstr2int(bs, '>')) # ---output b'\x85\xff\xff\xff' -0x7b -123 b'\xff\xff\xff\x85' -0x7b -123
- torchbox.utils.convert.dict2str(ddict, attrtag=': ', indent=' ', linebreak='\n', nindent=0)
dump dict object to str
- Parameters:
ddict (dict) – The dict object to be converted
attrtag (str, optional) – The tag of attribution, by default
': '
indent (str, optional) – The dict identifier, by default
' '
linebreak (str, optional) – The line break character, by default ‘n’
nindent (int, optional) – the number of initial indent characters, by default 0
- Returns:
The converted string.
- Return type:
- torchbox.utils.convert.file2hash(file, hmode='sha256', tohex=True)
convert a string to hash code
- torchbox.utils.convert.int2bstr(n, nbytes, endian='<', signed=True)
converts integer to bytes string
- Parameters:
- Returns:
The integer in binary string format.
- Return type:
n = -123 bs = int2bstr(n, 4, '<', signed=True) print(bs) print(hex(n)) print(bstr2int(bs, '<')) bs = int2bstr(n, 4, '>', signed=True) print(bs) print(hex(n)) print(bstr2int(bs, '>')) # ---output b'\x85\xff\xff\xff' -0x7b -123 b'\xff\xff\xff\x85' -0x7b -123
- torchbox.utils.convert.str2bool(s, truelist=['true', '1', 'y', 'yes'], falselist=['false', '0', 'n', 'no'])
Converts string to bool
- torchbox.utils.convert.str2hash(s, hmode='sha256', enc='utf-8', tohex=True)
convert a string to hash code
- torchbox.utils.convert.str2list(s, sep=' ')
Converts string to list
- Parameters:
s = '[0, [[[[1], 2.], 33], 4], [5, [6, 2.E-3]], 7, [8]], 1e-3' print(str2list(s)) # ---output ([0, [[[[1], 2.0], 33], 4], [5, [6, 0.002]], 7, [8]], 0.001)
- torchbox.utils.convert.str2num(s, vfn=None)
Extracts numbers in a string.
- Parameters:
s (str) – The string.
vfn (None, optional) – formating function, such as
- Returns:
The number list.
- Return type:
print(str2num(s, int)) print(str2num(s, float)) print(str2num(s, 'auto')) print(2**(str2num('int8', int)[0])) print(str2num('int', int) == []) # ---output [0, 1, 2, 33, 4, 5, 6, 0, 7, 8, 0] [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 33.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 0.002, 7.0, 8.0, 0.001] [0, 1, 2.0, 33, 4, 5, 6, 0.002, 7, 8, 0.001] 256 True
- torchbox.utils.convert.str2sec(x, sep=':')
Extracts second in a time string.
–>hh*3600 + mm*60 + ss
- Parameters:
- Returns:
y – The seconds.
- Return type:
print(str2sec('1:00:0')) print(str2sec('1:10:0')) print(str2sec('1:10:6')) print(str2sec('1:10:30')) # ---output 3600 4200 4206 4230
- torchbox.utils.convert.str2tuple(s, sep=' ')
Converts string to tuple
- Parameters:
s = '[0, [[[[1], 2.], 33], 4], [5, [6, 2.E-3]], 7, [8]], 1e-3' print(str2list(s)) # ---output ([0, [[[[1], 2.0], 33], 4], [5, [6, 0.002]], 7, [8]], 0.001)
torchbox.utils.file module
- torchbox.utils.file.copyfile(srcfile, dstfile)
copy file
copy file from srcfile to dstfile.
- torchbox.utils.file.copyfiles(srcdir, dstdir, filenames)
copy files
copy files from source directory to destnation directory
- torchbox.utils.file.data_path(dsname=None)
obtain data source path
- torchbox.utils.file.fileparts(file)
Filename parts
Returns the path, file name, and file name extension for the specified
. Thefile
input is the name of a file or folder, and can include a path and file name extension.- Parameters:
file (str) – The name string of a file or folder.
- Returns:
filepath (str) – The path string of the file or folder.
name (str) – The name string of the file or folder.
ext (str) – The extension string of the file.
- torchbox.utils.file.fopen(file, mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, closefd=True)
file open
difference to python’s builtin function
is when mode is'w'
, if the file is not empty, this function gives a selection of overwrite or skip.- Parameters:
file (str) – file path string.
mode (str, optional) –
(append), …, see alsoopen()
, by default “r”.buffering (int, optional) – see also
, , by default -1encoding (str, optional) – see also
, , by defaultNone
newline (str, optional) – see also
, , by defaultNone
closefd (bool, optional) – see also
, , by default True
- Return type:
TextIOWrapper or None
- torchbox.utils.file.listxfile(listdir=None, exts=None, recursive=False)
List the files in a directory.
- Parameters:
listdir (None, optional) – The directory for listing. The default is None, which means return
directly.exts (str, list or None, optional) – File extension string or extension string list, such as
or['.png', 'jpg']
. The default is None, which means any extension.recursive (bool, optional) – Recursive search? The default is False, which means only list the root directory (
- Returns:
The list of file path with extension
. Sometimes you need to sort the list usingsorted
.- Return type:
- torchbox.utils.file.pathjoin(*kwargs)
Joint strings to a path.
- Parameters:
*kwargs – strings.
- Returns:
The joined path string.
- Return type:
- torchbox.utils.file.pkg_path()
obtain this package’s path
- Returns:
package path string.
- Return type:
- torchbox.utils.file.readcsv(filepath, sep=None, vfn=None, nlines=None)
Read a csv file and extract numbers in it.
- Parameters:
filepath (str) – The path string of the file.
sep (str, optional) – The separation character. Such as
or' '
. If None (default) or''
(empty) return a list of all the lines.vfn (function or None, optional) – The function for formating the numbers.
–> convert to float number;int
–> convert to integer number…, The default isNone
, which means won’t converted, string format.nlines (None, optional) – The number of lines for reading, the default is None, which means all the lines.
- Returns:
The list of numbers or strings.
- Return type:
- torchbox.utils.file.readnum(filepath, pmain='Train', psub='loss', vfn=<class 'float'>, nshots=None)
Read a file and extract numbers in it.
- Parameters:
filepath (str) – Description
pmain (str, optional) – The matching pattern string, such as ‘—>Train’.
psub (str, optional) – The sub-matching pattern string, such as ‘loss’.
vfn (function, optional) – The function for formating the numbers.
–> convert to float number;int
–> convert to integer number…, The default isfloat
.nshots (None, optional) – The number of shots of sub-matching pattern.
- Returns:
The list of numbers.
- Return type:
- torchbox.utils.file.readsec(filepath, pmain='Train', psub='time: ', vfn=<class 'int'>, nshots=None)
Read a file and extract seconds in it.
–>hh*3600 + mm*60 + ss
- Parameters:
filepath (str) – The path string of the file.
pmain (str, optional) – The matching pattern string, such as ‘—>Train’.
psub (str, optional) – The sub-matching pattern string, such as ‘loss’.
vfn (function or None, optional) – The function for formating the numbers.
–> convert to float number;int
–> convert to integer number.nshots (None, optional) – The number of shots of sub-matching pattern.
- Returns:
The list of seconds.
- Return type:
- torchbox.utils.file.readtxt(filepath, mode=None)
Read a text file.
- torchbox.utils.file.writetxt(filepath, txtstr, mode='o')
write stings to a txt file
torchbox.utils.image module
- torchbox.utils.image.histeq(img, nbins=256)
- torchbox.utils.image.imadjust(img, lhin, lhout)
- torchbox.utils.image.imadjustlog(img, lhin=None, lhout=None)
- torchbox.utils.image.imread(imgfile)
- torchbox.utils.image.imresize(img, oshape=None, odtype=None, order=1, mode='constant', cval=0, clip=True, preserve_range=False)
resize image to oshape
see also
.- Parameters:
img (Tensor) – Input image.
oshape (tuple, optional) – output shape (the default is None, which is the same as the input)
odtype (str, optional) – output data type,
'uint8', 'uint16', 'int8', ...
(the default is None, float)order (int, optional) – The order of the spline interpolation, default is 1. The order has to be in the range 0-5. See skimage.transform.warp for detail.
mode (str, optional) – Points outside the boundaries of the input are filled according to the given mode. {
}, Modes match the behaviour of numpy.pad. The default mode is ‘constant’.cval (float, optional) – Used in conjunction with mode ‘constant’, the value outside the image boundaries.
clip (bool, optional) – Whether to clip the output to the range of values of the input image. This is enabled by default, since higher order interpolation may produce values outside the given input range.
preserve_range (bool, optional) – Whether to keep the original range of values. Otherwise, the input image is converted according to the conventions of img_as_float.
- Returns:
resized – Resized version of the input.
- Return type:
Modes ‘reflect’ and ‘symmetric’ are similar, but differ in whether the edge pixels are duplicated during the reflection. As an example, if an array has values [0, 1, 2] and was padded to the right by four values using symmetric, the result would be [0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0], while for reflect it would be [0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2].
>>> from skimage import data >>> from skimage.transform import resize >>> image = >>> resize(image, (100, 100), mode='reflect').shape (100, 100)
- torchbox.utils.image.imsave(outfile, img, **kwargs)
torchbox.utils.ios module
- torchbox.utils.ios.loadbin(file, dbsize=4, dtype='i', endian='little', offsets=0, nshots=None)
load binary file
load data from binary file
- Parameters:
file (str) – the binary file path
dbsize (int, optional) – number pf bits of each number, by default 4
dtype (str, optional) – the type of data. -
:void* -'h'
:ulonglong -'f'
:double, by default'i'
endian (str, optional) – byte order
, by default ‘little’offsets (int, optional) – start reading offsets index, by default 0
nshots (int, optional) – the number of data points to be read.
- Returns:
loaded data.
- Return type:
import torchbox as tb datafile = 'data/data.bin' x = [1, 3, 6, 111] tb.savebin('./data.bin', x, dtype='i', endian='L', mode='o') y = tb.loadbin('./data.bin', dbsize=4, dtype='i', endian='L') print(y) x = (1.3, 3.6) tb.savebin('./data.bin', x, dtype='f', endian='B', offsets=16, mode='a') y = tb.loadbin('./data.bin', dbsize=4, dtype='f', endian='B', offsets=16) print(y)
- torchbox.utils.ios.loadh5(filename, keys=None)
load h5 file
- torchbox.utils.ios.loadjson(filepath, field=None)
load a json file
- Parameters:
filepath (str) – The file path string.
field (None, optional) – The string of field that want to be loaded.
- torchbox.utils.ios.loadmat(filepath)
load data from an
fileload data from an
file (None
will be replaced byNone
- Parameters:
filepath (str) – The file path string.
- torchbox.utils.ios.loadyaml(filepath, field=None)
Load a yaml file.
- Parameters:
filepath (str) – The file path string.
field (None, optional) – The string of field that want to be loaded.
- torchbox.utils.ios.mvkeyh5(filepath, ksf, kst, sep='.')
rename keys in
- torchbox.utils.ios.savebin(file, x, dtype='i', endian='little', offsets=0, mode='o')
load binary file
load data from binary file
- Parameters:
file (str) – the binary file path
x (any) – data to be written (iterable)
dtype (str, optional) – the type of data. -
:void* -'h'
:ulonglong -'f'
:double, by default'i'
endian (str, optional) – byte order
, by default ‘little’offsets (int, optional) – start reading offsets index, by default 0
mode (int, optional) –
–> append data to the end of the file'overwrite'
–> overwrite the file. (default)
import torchbox as tb datafile = 'data/data.bin' x = [1, 3, 6, 111] tb.savebin('./data.bin', x, dtype='i', endian='L', mode='o') y = tb.loadbin('./data.bin', dbsize=4, dtype='i', endian='L') print(y) x = (1.3, 3.6) tb.savebin('./data.bin', x, dtype='f', endian='B', offsets=16, mode='a') y = tb.loadbin('./data.bin', dbsize=4, dtype='f', endian='B', offsets=16) print(y)
- torchbox.utils.ios.saveh5(filename, mdict, mode='w')
save data to h5 file
- torchbox.utils.ios.savemat(filepath, mdict, fmt='5', long_field_names=True, do_compression=True, oned_as='row')
save data to an
filesave data to
file (None
will be replaced byNone
)- Parameters:
filepath (str) – savefile path
mdict (dict) – data in dict formation.
fmt (str, optional) – mat formation, by default ‘5’
long_field_names (bool, optional) – False (the default) - maximum field name length in a structure is 31 characters which is the documented maximum length. True - maximum field name length in a structure is 63 characters which works for MATLAB 7.6+.
do_compression (bool, optional) – Whether or not to compress matrices on write. Default is False.
oned_as ({'row', 'column'}, optional) – If ‘column’, write 1-D NumPy arrays as column vectors. If ‘row’, write 1-D NumPy arrays as row vectors.
- Returns:
all is ok!
- Return type:
- torchbox.utils.ios.saveyaml(filepath, ddict=None, indent='-', mode='w')
Load a yaml file.
torchbox.utils.plot_show module
- class torchbox.utils.plot_show.Plots(plotdir='./', xlabel='x', ylabel='y', title='', figname=None, issave=False, isshow=True)
- torchbox.utils.plot_show.cplot(ca, lmod=None)
- torchbox.utils.plot_show.imshow(Xs, nrows=None, ncols=None, origins=None, extents=None, xlabels=None, ylabels=None, titles=None, figsize=None, outfile=None, **kwargs)
show images
This function create an figure and show images in \(a\) rows and \(b\) columns.
- Parameters:
Xs (array, list or tuple) – list/tuple of image arrays, if the type is not list or tuple, wrap it.
nrows (int, optional) – show in
rows, by defaultNone
(auto computed).ncols (int, optional) – show in
columns, by defaultNone
(auto computed).origins (str or None, optional) –
or None, by defaultNone
).extents (floats or None, optional) – (left, right, bottom, top), by default
).xlabels (str, optional) – labels of x-axis
ylabels (str, optional) – labels of y-axis
titles (str, optional) – titles
outfile (str, optional) – save image to file, by default
(do not save).kwargs –
- figfigure handle
sunch as
fig = plt.figure()
See also
seealso: (..) –
: :parammshow()
.:- Returns:
plot handle
- Return type:
x = np.random.rand(3, 100, 100) plt = imshow([xi for xi in x]) # ---animation x = np.random.rand(10, 128, 128) y = np.random.rand(10, 128, 128) fig = plt.figure() for n in range(10): fig.clf() plt = imshow([x[n], y[n]], 1, 2, fig=fig) plt.pause(0.5)
- torchbox.utils.plot_show.mesh(Zs, nrows=None, ncols=None, xlabels=None, ylabels=None, zlabels=None, titles=None, figsize=None, outfile=None, **kwargs)
This function create an figure and show some 2d-arrays in \(a\) rows and \(b\) columns with 3d projection.
- Parameters:
Zs (array, list or tuple) – list/tuple of image arrays, if the type is not list or tuple, wrap it.
nrows (int, optional) – show in
rows, by defaultNone
(auto computed).ncols (int, optional) – show in
columns, by defaultNone
(auto computed).xlabels (str, optional) – labels of x-axis
ylabels (str, optional) – labels of y-axis
zlabels (str, optional) – labels of z-axis
titles (str, optional) – titles
outfile (str, optional) – save image to file, by default
(do not save).kwargs –
- Xslist or tuple
X-axis values
- Yslist or tuple
Y-axis values
- figfigure handle
sunch as
fig = plt.figure()
for other kwargs, refer to
seealso: (..) –
: :parammshow()
.:- Returns:
plot handle
- Return type:
x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, 10), np.arange(0, 20)) z = np.random.rand(20, 10) plt = mesh(z, 1, 2) plt = mesh(z, 1, 2, Xs=[np.arange(30, 40)]) # ---animation x = np.random.rand(10, 128, 128) y = np.random.rand(10, 128, 128) fig = plt.figure() for n in range(10): fig.clf() plt = mesh([x[n], y[n]], 1, 2, fig=fig) plt.pause(0.5)
- torchbox.utils.plot_show.mshow(Zs, nrows=None, ncols=None, xlabels=None, ylabels=None, zlabels=None, titles=None, projections=None, figsize=None, outfile=None, **kwargs)
show tensors
This function create an figure and show some 2d-arrays in \(a\) rows and \(b\) columns with 2d/3d projection.
- Parameters:
Zs (array, list or tuple) – list/tuple of image arrays, if the type is not list or tuple, wrap it.
nrows (int, optional) – show in
rows, by defaultNone
(auto computed).ncols (int, optional) – show in
columns, by defaultNone
(auto computed).xlabels (str, optional) – labels of x-axis
ylabels (str, optional) – labels of y-axis
zlabels (str, optional) – labels of z-axis
titles (str, optional) – titles
outfile (str, optional) – save image to file, by default
(do not save).kwargs –
Xs : list or tuple Ys : list or tuple fig : figure handle
sunch as
fig = plt.figure()
for other kwargs, refer to
(2d)seealso: (..) –
: :paramplot()
.:- Returns:
plot handle
- Return type:
x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, 10), np.arange(0, 20)) z1 = np.random.rand(20, 10) z2 = np.random.randn(60, 60) plt = mshow([z1, z2], 1, 2, Xs=[np.arange(30, 40)], projections=['3d', '2d']) # ---animation x = np.random.rand(10, 128, 128) y = np.random.rand(10, 128, 128) fig = plt.figure() for n in range(10): fig.clf() plt = mshow([x[n], y[n]], 1, 2, fig=plt) plt.pause(0.5)
- torchbox.utils.plot_show.plot(Ys, nrows=None, ncols=None, styles=None, legends=None, grids=False, xlabels=None, ylabels=None, titles=None, figsize=None, outfile=None, **kwargs)
show images
This function create an figure and show images in \(a\) rows and \(b\) columns.
- Parameters:
Ys (array, list or tuple) – list/tuple of image arrays, if the type is not list or tuple, wrap it.
nrows (int, optional) – show in
rows, by defaultNone
(auto computed).ncols (int, optional) – show in
columns, by defaultNone
(auto computed).xlabels (str, optional) – labels of x-axis
ylabels (str, optional) – labels of y-axis
titles (str, optional) – titles
outfile (str, optional) – save image to file, by default
(do not save).kwargs –
- figfigure handle
sunch as
fig = plt.figure()
- Xslist or tuple
Y-axis values
seealso: (..) –
: :parammshow()
.:- Returns:
plot handle
- Return type:
x1 = np.random.rand(2, 100) x2 = np.random.rand(2, 100) plt = plot([[xi for xi in x1], [xi for xi in x2]]) x1 = np.random.rand(2, 100) x2 = np.random.rand(2, 100) plt = plot([[xi for xi in x1], [xi for xi in x2]], styles=[['-b', '-r'], ['-b', '-r']], legends=[['real', 'imag'], ['real', 'imag']], grids=True)
- torchbox.utils.plot_show.plots(x, ydict, plotdir='./', xlabel='x', ylabel='y', title='', issave=False, isshow=True)