pyaibox.dsp package


pyaibox.dsp.convolution module

pyaibox.dsp.convolution.conv1(f, g, shape='same', axis=0)


The convoltuion between f and g can be expressed as

(1)\[\begin{aligned} (f*g)[n] &= \sum_{m=-\infty}^{+\infty}f[m]g[n-m] \\ &= \sum_{m=-\infty}^{+\infty}f[n-m]g[m] \end{aligned} \]
  • f (numpy array) – data to be filtered, can be 2d matrix

  • g (numpy array) – convolution kernel

  • shape (int, optional) –

    • 'full': returns the full convolution,

    • 'same': returns the central part of the convolution

      that is the same size as x (default).

    • 'valid': returns only those parts of the convolution

      that are computed without the zero-padded edges. LENGTH(y)is MAX(LENGTH(x)-MAX(0,LENGTH(g)-1),0).

  • shape – convolution axis (the default is 0).

pyaibox.dsp.convolution.cutfftconv1(y, nfft, Nx, Nh, shape='same', axis=0, ftshift=False)

Throwaway boundary elements to get convolution results.

Throwaway boundary elements to get convolution results.

  • y (numpy array) – array after iff.

  • nfft (int) – number of fft points.

  • Nx (int) – signal length

  • Nh (int) – filter length

  • shape (str) – output shape: 1. 'same' –> same size as input x, \(N_x\) 2. 'valid' –> valid convolution output 3. 'full' –> full convolution output, \(N_x+N_h-1\) (the default is ‘same’)

  • axis (int) – convolution axis (the default is 0)

  • ftshift (bool, optional) – whether to shift the frequencies (the default is False)


y – array with shape specified by same.

Return type

numpy array

pyaibox.dsp.convolution.fftconv1(x, h, shape='same', caxis=None, axis=0, keepcaxis=False, nfft=None, ftshift=False, eps=None)

Convolution using Fast Fourier Transformation

Convolution using Fast Fourier Transformation.

  • x (numpy array) – data to be convolved.

  • h (numpy array) – filter array, it will be expanded to the same dimensions of x first.

  • shape (str, optional) – output shape: 1. 'same' –> same size as input x, \(N_x\) 2. 'valid' –> valid convolution output 3. 'full' –> full convolution output, \(N_x+N_h-1\) (the default is ‘same’)

  • caxis (int or None) – If X is complex-valued, caxis is ignored. If X is real-valued and caxis is integer then X will be treated as complex-valued, in this case, caxis specifies the complex axis; otherwise (None), X will be treated as real-valued.

  • axis (int, optional) – axis of convolution operation (the default is 0, which means the first dimension)

  • keepcaxis (bool) – If True, the complex dimension will be keeped. Only works when X is complex-valued array and axis is not None but represents in real format. Default is False.

  • nfft (int, optional) – number of fft points (the default is \(2^{nextpow2(N_x+N_h-1)}\)), note that nfft can not be smaller than \(N_x+N_h-1\).

  • ftshift (bool, optional) – whether shift frequencies (the default is False)

  • eps (None or float, optional) – x[abs(x)<eps] = 0 (the default is None, does nothing)


y – Convolution result array.

Return type

numpy array

pyaibox.dsp.correlation module

pyaibox.dsp.correlation.accc(Sr, isplot=False)

Average cross correlation coefficient

Average cross correlation coefficient (ACCC)

\[\overline{C(\eta)}=\sum_{\eta} s^{*}(\eta) s(\eta+\Delta \eta) \]

where, \(\eta, \Delta \eta\) are azimuth time and it’s increment.


Sr (numpy array) – SAR raw signal data \(N_a\times N_r\) or range compressed data.


ACCC in each range cell.

Return type

1d array

pyaibox.dsp.correlation.acorr(x, P, axis=0, scale=None)

computes auto-correlation using fft

  • x (tensor) – the input signal array

  • P (int) – maxlag

  • axis (int) – the auto-correlation dimension

  • scale (str or None, optional) – None, 'biased' or 'unbiased', by default None

pyaibox.dsp.correlation.corr1(f, g, shape='same')


the correlation between f and g can be expressed as

(2)\[(f\star g)[n] = \sum_{m=-\infty}^{+\infty}{\overline{f[m]}g[m+n]} = \sum_{m=-\infty}^{+\infty}\overline{f[m-n]}g[m] \]
  • f (numpy array) – data1

  • g (numpy array) – daat2

  • shape (str, optional) –

    • 'full': returns the full correlation,

    • 'same': returns the central part of the correlation

      that is the same size as f (default).

    • 'valid': returns only those parts of the correlation

      that are computed without the zero-padded edges. LENGTH(y)is MAX(LENGTH(f)-MAX(0,LENGTH(g)-1),0).

pyaibox.dsp.correlation.cutfftcorr1(y, nfft, Nx, Nh, shape='same', axis=0, ftshift=False)

Throwaway boundary elements to get correlation results.

Throwaway boundary elements to get correlation results.

  • y (numpy array) – array after iff.

  • nfft (int) – number of fft points.

  • Nx (int) – signal length

  • Nh (int) – filter length

  • shape (str) – output shape: 1. 'same' –> same size as input x, \(N_x\) 2. 'valid' –> valid correlation output 3. 'full' –> full correlation output, \(N_x+N_h-1\) (the default is ‘same’)

  • axis (int) – correlation axis (the default is 0)

  • ftshift (bool, optional) – whether to shift the frequencies (the default is False)


y – array with shape specified by same.

Return type

numpy array

pyaibox.dsp.correlation.fftcorr1(x, h, shape='same', caxis=None, axis=0, keepcaxis=False, nfft=None, ftshift=False, eps=None)

Correlation using Fast Fourier Transformation

Correlation using Fast Fourier Transformation.

  • x (numpy array) – data to be convolved.

  • h (numpy array) – filter array, it will be expanded to the same dimensions of x first.

  • shape (str, optional) – output shape: 1. 'same' –> same size as input x, \(N_x\) 2. 'valid' –> valid correlation output 3. 'full' –> full correlation output, \(N_x+N_h-1\) (the default is ‘same’)

  • caxis (int or None) – If x is complex-valued, caxis is ignored. If x is real-valued and caxis is integer then x will be treated as complex-valued, in this case, caxis specifies the complex axis; otherwise (None), x will be treated as real-valued.

  • axis (int, optional) – axis of correlation operation (the default is 0, which means the first dimension)

  • keepcaxis (bool) – If True, the complex dimension will be keeped. Only works when X is complex-valued array and axis is not None but represents in real format. Default is False.

  • nfft (int, optional) – number of fft points (the default is None, \(2^{nextpow2(N_x+N_h-1)}\)), note that nfft can not be smaller than \(N_x+N_h-1\).

  • ftshift (bool, optional) – whether shift frequencies (the default is False)

  • eps (None or float, optional) – x[abs(x)<eps] = 0 (the default is None, does nothing)


y – Correlation result array.

Return type

numpy array

pyaibox.dsp.correlation.xcorr(A, B, shape='same', mod=None, axis=0)

Cross-correlation function estimates.

  • A (numpy array) – data1

  • B (numpy array) – data2

  • shape (str, optional) – output shape: 1. 'same' –> same size as input x, \(N_x\) 2. 'valid' –> valid correlation output 3. 'full' –> full correlation output, \(N_x+N_h-1\)

  • mod (str, optional) –

    • 'biased': scales the raw cross-correlation by 1/M.

    • 'unbiased': scales the raw correlation by 1/(M-abs(lags)).

    • 'coeff': normalizes the sequence so that the auto-correlations

      at zero lag are identically 1.0.

    • None: no scaling (this is the default).

pyaibox.dsp.ffts module

pyaibox.dsp.ffts.fft(x, n=None, caxis=None, axis=0, keepcaxis=False, norm=None, shift=False)

FFT in pyaibox

FFT in pyaibox, both real and complex valued tensors are supported.

  • x (array) – When x is complex, it can be either in real-representation format or complex-representation format.

  • n (int, optional) – The number of fft points (the default is None –> equals to signal dimension)

  • caxis (int or None) – If X is complex-valued, caxis is ignored. If X is real-valued and caxis is integer then X will be treated as complex-valued, in this case, caxis specifies the complex axis; otherwise (None), X will be treated as real-valued.

  • axis (int, optional) – axis of fft operation (the default is 0, which means the first dimension)

  • keepcaxis (bool) – If True, the complex dimension will be keeped. Only works when X is complex-valued array and axis is not None but represents in real format. Default is False.

  • norm (None or str, optional) – Normalization mode. For the forward transform (fft()), these correspond to: - None - no normalization (default) - “ortho” - normalize by 1/sqrt(n) (making the FFT orthonormal)

  • shift (bool, optional) – shift the zero frequency to center (the default is False)




The results shown in the above figure can be obtained by the following codes.

import numpy as np
import pyaibox as pb
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

shift = True
frq = [10, 10]
amp = [0.8, 0.6]
Fs = 80
Ts = 2.
Ns = int(Fs * Ts)

t = np.linspace(-Ts / 2., Ts / 2., Ns).reshape(Ns, 1)
f = pb.freq(Ns, Fs, shift=shift)
f = pb.fftfreq(Ns, Fs, norm=False, shift=shift)

# ---complex vector in real representation format
x = amp[0] * np.cos(2. * np.pi * frq[0] * t) + 1j * amp[1] * np.sin(2. * np.pi * frq[1] * t)

# ---do fft
Xc = pb.fft(x, n=Ns, caxis=None, axis=0, keepcaxis=False, shift=shift)

# ~~~get real and imaginary part
xreal = pb.real(x, caxis=None, keepcaxis=False)
ximag = pb.imag(x, caxis=None, keepcaxis=False)
Xreal = pb.real(Xc, caxis=None, keepcaxis=False)
Ximag = pb.imag(Xc, caxis=None, keepcaxis=False)

# ---do ifft
 = pb.ifft(Xc, n=Ns, caxis=None, axis=0, keepcaxis=False, shift=shift)

# ~~~get real and imaginary part
x̂real = pb.real(, caxis=None, keepcaxis=False)
x̂imag = pb.imag(, caxis=None, keepcaxis=False)

plt.plot(t, xreal)
plt.plot(t, ximag)
plt.legend(['real', 'imag'])
plt.title('signal in time domain')
plt.plot(f, Xreal)
plt.plot(f, Ximag)
plt.legend(['real', 'imag'])
plt.title('signal in frequency domain')
plt.plot(t, x̂real)
plt.plot(t, x̂imag)
plt.legend(['real', 'imag'])
plt.title('reconstructed signal')

# ---complex vector in real representation format
x = pb.c2r(x, caxis=-1)

# ---do fft
Xc = pb.fft(x, n=Ns, caxis=-1, axis=0, keepcaxis=False, shift=shift)

# ~~~get real and imaginary part
xreal = pb.real(x, caxis=-1, keepcaxis=False)
ximag = pb.imag(x, caxis=-1, keepcaxis=False)
Xreal = pb.real(Xc, caxis=-1, keepcaxis=False)
Ximag = pb.imag(Xc, caxis=-1, keepcaxis=False)

# ---do ifft
 = pb.ifft(Xc, n=Ns, caxis=-1, axis=0, keepcaxis=False, shift=shift)

# ~~~get real and imaginary part
x̂real = pb.real(, caxis=-1, keepcaxis=False)
x̂imag = pb.imag(, caxis=-1, keepcaxis=False)

plt.plot(t, xreal)
plt.plot(t, ximag)
plt.legend(['real', 'imag'])
plt.title('signal in time domain')
plt.plot(f, Xreal)
plt.plot(f, Ximag)
plt.legend(['real', 'imag'])
plt.title('signal in frequency domain')
plt.plot(t, x̂real)
plt.plot(t, x̂imag)
plt.legend(['real', 'imag'])
plt.title('reconstructed signal')

Improved 2D fft

pyaibox.dsp.ffts.fftfreq(n, fs, norm=False, shift=False)

Return the Discrete Fourier Transform sample frequencies

Return the Discrete Fourier Transform sample frequencies.

Given a window length n and a sample rate fs, if shift is True:

f = [-n/2, ..., -1,     0, 1, ...,   n/2-1] / (d*n)   if n is even
f = [-(n-1)/2, ..., -1, 0, 1, ..., (n-1)/2] / (d*n)   if n is odd

Given a window length n and a sample rate fs, if shift is False:

f = [0, 1, ...,   n/2-1,     -n/2, ..., -1] / (d*n)   if n is even
f = [0, 1, ..., (n-1)/2, -(n-1)/2, ..., -1] / (d*n)   if n is odd

where \(d = 1/f_s\), if norm is True, \(d = 1\), else \(d = 1/f_s\).

  • fs (float) – Sampling rate.

  • n (int) – Number of samples.

  • norm (bool) – Normalize the frequencies.

  • shift (bool) – Does shift the zero frequency to center.


frequency array with size \(n×1\).

Return type

numpy array

pyaibox.dsp.ffts.fftshift(x, axis=None)

Shift the zero-frequency component to the center of the spectrum.

This function swaps half-spaces for all axes listed (defaults to all). Note that y[0] is the Nyquist component only if len(x) is even.

  • x (numpy array) – The input array.

  • axis (int, optional) – Axes over which to shift. (Default is None, which shifts all axes.)


y – The shifted array.

Return type

numpy array

See also


The inverse of fftshift().

pyaibox.dsp.ffts.fftx(x, n=None)
pyaibox.dsp.ffts.ffty(x, n=None)
pyaibox.dsp.ffts.freq(n, fs, norm=False, shift=False)

Return the sample frequencies

Return the sample frequencies.

Given a window length n and a sample rate fs, if shift is True:

f = [-n/2, ..., n/2] / (d*n)

Given a window length n and a sample rate fs, if shift is False:

f = [0, 1, ..., n] / (d*n)

If norm is True, \(d = 1\), else \(d = 1/f_s\).

  • n (int) – Number of samples.

  • fs (float) – Sampling rate.

  • norm (bool) – Normalize the frequencies.

  • shift (bool) – Does shift the zero frequency to center.


frequency array with size \(n×1\).

Return type

numpy array

pyaibox.dsp.ffts.ifft(x, n=None, caxis=None, axis=0, keepcaxis=False, norm=None, shift=False)

IFFT in pyaibox

IFFT in pyaibox, both real and complex valued tensors are supported.

  • x (array) – When x is complex, it can be either in real-representation format or complex-representation format.

  • n (int, optional) – The number of ifft points (the default is None –> equals to signal dimension)

  • caxis (int or None) – If X is complex-valued, caxis is ignored. If X is real-valued and caxis is integer then X will be treated as complex-valued, in this case, caxis specifies the complex axis; otherwise (None), X will be treated as real-valued.

  • axis (int, optional) – axis of fft operation (the default is 0, which means the first dimension)

  • keepcaxis (bool) – If True, the complex dimension will be keeped. Only works when X is complex-valued array and axis is not None but represents in real format. Default is False.

  • norm (bool, optional) – Normalization mode. For the backward transform (ifft()), these correspond to: - None - no normalization (default) - “ortho” - normalize by 1``/sqrt(n)`` (making the IFFT orthonormal)

  • shift (bool, optional) – shift the zero frequency to center (the default is False)


pyaibox.dsp.ffts.ifftshift(x, axis=None)

Shift the zero-frequency component back.

The inverse of fftshift(). Although identical for even-length x, the functions differ by one sample for odd-length x.

  • x (numpy array) – The input array.

  • axis (int, optional) – Axes over which to shift. (Default is None, which shifts all axes.)


y – The shifted array.

Return type

numpy array

See also


The inverse of ifftshift.


x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
y = np.fft.ifftshift(x)
y = pb.ifftshift(x)

x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
y = np.fft.ifftshift(x)
y = pb.ifftshift(x)

axis = (0, 1)  # axis = 0, axis = 1
x = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]
y = np.fft.ifftshift(x, axis)
y = pb.ifftshift(x, axis)

x = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]
y = np.fft.ifftshift(x, axis)
y = pb.ifftshift(x, axis)
pyaibox.dsp.ffts.ifftx(x, n=None)
pyaibox.dsp.ffts.iffty(x, n=None)
pyaibox.dsp.ffts.padfft(X, nfft=None, axis=0, shift=False)

PADFT Pad array for doing FFT or IFFT

PADFT Pad array for doing FFT or IFFT

  • X (ndarray) – Data to be padded.

  • nfft (int or None) – the number of fft point.

  • axis (int, optional) – Padding dimension. (the default is 0)

  • shift (bool, optional) – Whether to shift the frequency (the default is False)

pyaibox.dsp.function_base module

pyaibox.dsp.function_base.unwrap(x, discont=3.141592653589793, axis=-1)

Unwrap by changing deltas between values to \(2\pi\) complement.

Unwrap radian phase x by changing absoluted jumps greater than discont to their \(2\pi\) complement along the given axis.

  • x (ndarray) – The input.

  • discont (float, optional) – Maximum discontinuity between values, default is \(\pi\).

  • axis (int, optional) – Axis along which unwrap will operate, default is the last axis.


The unwrapped.

Return type



x = np.array([3.14, -3.12, 3.12, 3.13, -3.11])
y_np = unwrap(x)
print(y_np, y_np.shape, type(y_np))

# output

tensor([3.1400, 3.1632, 3.1200, 3.1300, 3.1732], dtype=torch.float64) torch.Size([5]) <class 'torch.Tensor'>
pyaibox.dsp.function_base.unwrap2(x, discont=3.141592653589793, axis=-1)

Unwrap by changing deltas between values to \(2\pi\) complement.

Unwrap radian phase x by changing absoluted jumps greater than discont to their \(2\pi\) complement along the given axis. The elements are divided into 2 parts (with equal length) along the given axis. The first part is unwrapped in inverse order, while the second part is unwrapped in normal order.

  • x (Tensor) – The input.

  • discont (float, optional) – Maximum discontinuity between values, default is \(\pi\).

  • axis (int, optional) – Axis along which unwrap will operate, default is the last axis.


  • Tensor – The unwrapped.

  • see unwrap()


x = np.array([3.14, -3.12, 3.12, 3.13, -3.11])
y = unwrap(x)
print(y, y.shape, type(y))

x = np.array([3.14, -3.12, 3.12, 3.13, -3.11])
x = np.concatenate((x[::-1], x), axis=0)
y = unwrap2(x)
print(y, y.shape, type(y))

# output
[3.14       3.16318531 3.12       3.13       3.17318531] (5,) <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
[3.17318531 3.13       3.12       3.16318531 3.14       3.14
3.16318531 3.12       3.13       3.17318531] (10,) <class 'numpy.ndarray'>

pyaibox.dsp.interpolation1d module

pyaibox.dsp.interpolation1d.interp(x, xp, yp, mod='sinc')



  • x (array_like) – The x-coordinates of the interpolated values.

  • xp (1-D sequence of floats) – The x-coordinates of the data points, must be increasing if argument period is not specified. Otherwise, xp is internally sorted after normalizing the periodic boundaries with xp = xp % period.

  • yp (1-D sequence of float or complex) – The y-coordinates of the data points, same length as xp.

  • mod (str, optional) – 'sinc' : sinc interpolation (the default is ‘sinc’)


y – The interpolated values, same shape as x.

Return type

float or complex (corresponding to fp) or ndarray

pyaibox.dsp.interpolation1d.sinc_interp(xin, r=1.0)
pyaibox.dsp.interpolation1d.sinc_table(Nq, Ns)

pyaibox.dsp.interpolation2d module

pyaibox.dsp.interpolation2d.interp2d(X, ratio=(2, 2), axis=(0, 1), method='cubic')

pyaibox.dsp.normalsignals module

pyaibox.dsp.normalsignals.chirp(t, T, Kr)

Create a chirp signal: .. math:

S_{tx}(t) = rect(t/T) * exp(1j*pi*Kr*t^2)

Heavyside function : .. math:

hv(x) = {1, if x>=0; 0, otherwise}

Inverse Heavyside function: .. math:

ihv(x) = {0, if x>=0; 1, otherwise}

Rectangle function: .. math:

rect(x) = {1, if |x|<= 0.5; 0, otherwise}

Module contents