Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Date    : 2019-06-13 10:34:43
# @Author  : Yan Liu & Zhi Liu (
# @Link    :
# @Version : $1.0$
import numpy as np
from pysparse.utils.const import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]def showdict(D, rcsize=None, stride=None, plot=True, bgcolorv=0, cmap=None, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None): r""" Trys to show image blocks in one image. Parameters ---------- D : array_like Blocks to be shown, a bH-bW-bC-bN numpy ndarray. rcsize : int tuple or None, optional Specifies how many rows and cols of blocks that you want to show, e.g. (rows, cols). If not given, rcsize=(rows, clos) will be computed automaticly. stride : int tuple or None, optional The step size (blank pixels nums) in row and col between two blocks. If not given, stride=(1,1). plot : bool, optional True for ploting, False for silent and returns a H-W-C numpy ndarray for showing. bgcolorv : float or None, optional The background color, 1 for white, 0 for black. Default, 0. Returns ------- out : ndarray or bool A H-W-C numpy ndarray for showing. See Also -------- odctdict. Examples -------- >>> D = pys.odctdict((M, N)) >>> showdict(D, bgcolor='k') """ # M, N = D.shape # print(M, N) # H1 = int(np.sqrt(M)) # W1 = int(np.sqrt(M)) # D = np.reshape(D, (H1, W1, 1, N)) # H = int(np.sqrt(N)) # W = int(np.sqrt(N)) # A = np.zeros((int(H * H1), int(W * W1))) # rows, cols = np.mgrid[0:H1, 0:W1] # print(rows) # for j in range(W): # for i in range(H): # A[int(i * H1) + rows, int(j * W1) + # cols] = D[:, :, 0, int(i + j * H)] # plt.figure() # plt.imshow(A) # if plot is None: plot = True M, N = D.shape H1 = int(np.sqrt(M)) W1 = int(np.sqrt(M)) D = np.reshape(D, (H1, W1, 1, N)) if D.size == 0: return D if not (isinstance(D, np.ndarray) and D.ndim == 4): raise TypeError('"D" should be a pH-pW-pC-pN numpy array!') _, _, _, bN = D.shape if rcsize is None: rows = int(math.sqrt(bN)) cols = int(bN / rows) if bN % cols > 0: rows = rows + 1 else: rows = rcsize[0] cols = rcsize[1] # step size if stride is None: stride = (1, 1) # background color # if bgcolor == 'w': # bgcolor_value = 255 # elif bgcolor == 'k': # bgcolor_value = 0 bgcolor_value = bgcolorv if bN < rows * cols: A = np.pad(D, ((0, stride[0]), (0, stride[1]), (0, 0), (0, rows * cols - bN)), 'constant', constant_values=bgcolor_value) else: A = np.pad(D, ((0, stride[0]), (0, stride[1]), (0, 0), (0, 0)), 'constant', constant_values=bgcolor_value) A = A[:, :, :, 0:rows * cols] aH, aW, aC, aN = A.shape A = np.transpose(A, (3, 1, 0, 2)).reshape( rows, cols, aH, aW, aC).swapaxes( 1, 2).reshape(rows * aH, cols * aW, aC) # A = np.transpose(A, (3, 0, 1, 2)).reshape( # rows, cols, aH, aW, aC).swapaxes( # 1, 2).reshape(rows * aH, cols * aW, aC) aH, aW, aC = A.shape A = A[0:aH - stride[0], 0:aW - stride[1], :] if aC == 1: A = A[:, :, 0] if title is None: title = 'Show ' + str(bN) + ' atoms in ' + str(rows) +\ ' rows ' + str(cols) + ' cols, with stride' + str(stride) if xlabel is None: xlabel = '' if ylabel is None: ylabel = '' if plot: plt.figure() plt.imshow(A, cmap=cmap) plt.title(title) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.colorbar() return A # H-W-C