Source code for pysparse.utils.scalenorm

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Date    : 2019-06-13 10:34:43
# @Author  : Yan Liu & Zhi Liu (
# @Link    :
# @Version : $1.0$

import numpy as np

[docs]def normalization(x): x = x.astype('float32') mu = np.average(x) std = np.std(x) return (x - mu) / std, mu, std
[docs]def scale(X, sto=[0, 1], sfrom=None, istrunc=True, rich=False): r""" Scale data. .. math:: x \in [a, b] --> y \in [c, d] .. math:: y = (d-c)*(x-a) / (b-a) + c. Parameters ---------- X : array_like The data to be scaled. sto : tuple, list, optional Specifies the range of data after beening scaled. Default [0, 1]. sfrom : tuple, list, optional Specifies the range of data. Default [min(X), max(X)]. istrunc : bool Specifies wether to truncate the data to [a, b], For example, If sfrom == [a, b] and 'istrunc' is true, then X[X < a] == a and X[X > b] == b. rich : bool If you want to see what the data is scaled from and scaled to, then you should set it to true Returns ------- out : ndarray Scaled data array. sfrom, sto : list or tuple If rich is true, they will also be returned """ if not(isinstance(sto, (tuple, list)) and len(sto) == 2): raise Exception("'sto' is a tuple or list, such as (-1,1)") if sfrom is not None: if not(isinstance(sfrom, (tuple, list)) and len(sfrom) == 2): raise Exception("'sfrom' is a tuple or list, such as (0, 255)") else: sfrom = [np.min(X) + 0.0, np.max(X) + 0.0] a = sfrom[0] + 0.0 b = sfrom[1] + 0.0 c = sto[0] + 0.0 d = sto[1] + 0.0 X = X.astype('float') if istrunc: X[X < a] = a X[X > b] = b if rich: return (X - a) * (d - c) / (b - a) + c, sfrom, sto else: return (X - a) * (d - c) / (b - a) + c