pyailib.dsp package


pyailib.dsp.convolution module

pyailib.dsp.convolution.conv1(f, g, shape='same', axis=0)


The convoltuion between f and g can be expressed as

(1)\[\begin{aligned} (f*g)[n] &= \sum_{m=-\infty}^{+\infty}f[m]g[n-m] \\ &= \sum_{m=-\infty}^{+\infty}f[n-m]g[m] \end{aligned} \]
  • f (numpy array) – data to be filtered, can be 2d matrix

  • g (numpy array) – convolution kernel

  • shape (int, optional) –

    • 'full': returns the full convolution,

    • 'same': returns the central part of the convolution

      that is the same size as x (default).

    • 'valid': returns only those parts of the convolution

      that are computed without the zero-padded edges. LENGTH(y)is MAX(LENGTH(x)-MAX(0,LENGTH(g)-1),0).

  • shape – convolution axis (the default is 0).

pyailib.dsp.convolution.cutfftconv1(y, nfft, Nx, Nh, shape='same', axis=0, ftshift=False)

Throwaway boundary elements to get convolution results.

Throwaway boundary elements to get convolution results.

  • y (numpy array) – array after iff.

  • nfft (int) – number of fft points.

  • Nx (int) – signal length

  • Nh (int) – filter length

  • shape (str) – output shape: 1. 'same' –> same size as input x, \(N_x\) 2. 'valid' –> valid convolution output 3. 'full' –> full convolution output, \(N_x+N_h-1\) (the default is ‘same’)

  • axis (int) – convolution axis (the default is 0)

  • ftshift (bool, optional) – whether to shift the frequencies (the default is False)


y – array with shape specified by same.

Return type

numpy array

pyailib.dsp.convolution.fftconv1(x, h, shape='same', axis=0, nfft=None, ftshift=False, eps=None)

Convolution using Fast Fourier Transformation

Convolution using Fast Fourier Transformation.

  • x (numpy array) – data to be convolved.

  • h (numpy array) – filter array

  • shape (str, optional) – output shape: 1. 'same' –> same size as input x, \(N_x\) 2. 'valid' –> valid convolution output 3. 'full' –> full convolution output, \(N_x+N_h-1\) (the default is ‘same’)

  • axis (int, optional) – convolution axis (the default is 0)

  • nfft (int, optional) – number of fft points (the default is \(2^{nextpow2(N_x+N_h-1)}\)), note that nfft can not be smaller than \(N_x+N_h-1\).

  • ftshift (bool, optional) – whether shift frequencies (the default is False)

  • eps (None or float, optional) – x[abs(x)<eps] = 0 (the default is None, does nothing)


y – Convolution result array.

Return type

numpy array

pyailib.dsp.correlation module

pyailib.dsp.correlation.accc(Sr, isplot=False)

Average cross correlation coefficient

Average cross correlation coefficient (ACCC)

\[\overline{C(\eta)}=\sum_{\eta} s^{*}(\eta) s(\eta+\Delta \eta) \]

where, \(\eta, \Delta \eta\) are azimuth time and it’s increment.


Sr (numpy array) – SAR raw signal data \(N_a\times N_r\) or range compressed data.


ACCC in each range cell.

Return type

1d array

pyailib.dsp.correlation.corr1(f, g, shape='same')


the correlation between f and g can be expressed as

(2)\[(f\star g)[n] = \sum_{m=-\infty}^{+\infty}{\overline{f[m]}g[m+n]} = \sum_{m=-\infty}^{+\infty}\overline{f[m-n]}g[m] \]
  • f (numpy array) – data1

  • g (numpy array) – daat2

  • shape (str, optional) –

    • 'full': returns the full correlation,

    • 'same': returns the central part of the correlation

      that is the same size as f (default).

    • 'valid': returns only those parts of the correlation

      that are computed without the zero-padded edges. LENGTH(y)is MAX(LENGTH(f)-MAX(0,LENGTH(g)-1),0).

pyailib.dsp.correlation.cutfftcorr1(y, nfft, Nx, Nh, shape='same', axis=0, ftshift=False)

Throwaway boundary elements to get correlation results.

Throwaway boundary elements to get correlation results.

  • y (numpy array) – array after iff.

  • nfft (int) – number of fft points.

  • Nx (int) – signal length

  • Nh (int) – filter length

  • shape (str) – output shape: 1. 'same' –> same size as input x, \(N_x\) 2. 'valid' –> valid correlation output 3. 'full' –> full correlation output, \(N_x+N_h-1\) (the default is ‘same’)

  • axis (int) – correlation axis (the default is 0)

  • ftshift (bool, optional) – whether to shift the frequencies (the default is False)


y – array with shape specified by same.

Return type

numpy array

pyailib.dsp.correlation.fftcorr1(x, h, shape='same', axis=0, nfft=None, ftshift=False, eps=None)

Correlation using Fast Fourier Transformation

Correlation using Fast Fourier Transformation.

  • x (numpy array) – data to be convolved.

  • h (numpy array) – filter array

  • shape (str, optional) – output shape: 1. 'same' –> same size as input x, \(N_x\) 2. 'valid' –> valid correlation output 3. 'full' –> full correlation output, \(N_x+N_h-1\) (the default is ‘same’)

  • axis (int, optional) – correlation axis (the default is 0)

  • nfft (int, optional) – number of fft points (the default is None, \(2^{nextpow2(N_x+N_h-1)}\)), note that nfft can not be smaller than \(N_x+N_h-1\).

  • ftshift (bool, optional) – whether shift frequencies (the default is False)

  • eps (None or float, optional) – x[abs(x)<eps] = 0 (the default is None, does nothing)


y – Correlation result array.

Return type

numpy array

pyailib.dsp.correlation.xcorr(A, B, shape='same', mod=None, axis=0)

Cross-correlation function estimates.

  • A (numpy array) – data1

  • B (numpy array) – data2

  • shape (str, optional) – output shape: 1. 'same' –> same size as input x, \(N_x\) 2. 'valid' –> valid correlation output 3. 'full' –> full correlation output, \(N_x+N_h-1\)

  • mod (str, optional) –

    • 'biased': scales the raw cross-correlation by 1/M.

    • 'unbiased': scales the raw correlation by 1/(M-abs(lags)).

    • 'coeff': normalizes the sequence so that the auto-correlations

      at zero lag are identically 1.0.

    • None: no scaling (this is the default).

pyailib.dsp.ffts module

pyailib.dsp.ffts.fft(a, n=None, axis=- 1, norm=None, shift=False)

Improved 2D fft

pyailib.dsp.ffts.fftfreq(fs, n, norm=False, shift=False)

Return the Discrete Fourier Transform sample frequencies

Return the Discrete Fourier Transform sample frequencies.

Given a window length n and a sample rate fs, if shift is True:

f = [-n/2, ..., -1,     0, 1, ...,   n/2-1] / (d*n)   if n is even
f = [-(n-1)/2, ..., -1, 0, 1, ..., (n-1)/2] / (d*n)   if n is odd

Given a window length n and a sample rate fs, if shift is False:

f = [0, 1, ...,   n/2-1,     -n/2, ..., -1] / (d*n)   if n is even
f = [0, 1, ..., (n-1)/2, -(n-1)/2, ..., -1] / (d*n)   if n is odd

where \(d = 1/f_s\), if norm is True, \(d = 1\), else \(d = 1/f_s\).

  • fs (float) – Sampling rate.

  • n (int) – Number of samples.

  • norm (bool) – Normalize the frequencies.

  • shift (bool) – Does shift the zero frequency to center.


frequency array with size \(n×1\).

Return type

numpy array

pyailib.dsp.ffts.fftshift(x, axis=None)

Shift the zero-frequency component to the center of the spectrum.

This function swaps half-spaces for all axes listed (defaults to all). Note that y[0] is the Nyquist component only if len(x) is even.

  • x (numpy array) – The input array.

  • axis (int, optional) – Axes over which to shift. (Default is None, which shifts all axes.)


y – The shifted array.

Return type

numpy array

See also


The inverse of fftshift().


import numpy as np
import ps

x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
y = np.fft.fftshift(x)
y = ps.fftshift(x)

x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
y = np.fft.fftshift(x)
y = ps.fftshift(x)

axis = (0, 1)  # axis = 0, axis = 1
x = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]
y = np.fft.fftshift(x, axis)
y = ps.fftshift(x, axis)

x = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]
y = np.fft.fftshift(x, axis)
y = ps.fftshift(x, axis)
pyailib.dsp.ffts.fftx(x, n=None)
pyailib.dsp.ffts.ffty(x, n=None)
pyailib.dsp.ffts.freq(fs, n, norm=False, shift=False)

Return the sample frequencies

Return the sample frequencies.

Given a window length n and a sample rate fs, if shift is True:

f = [-n/2, ..., n/2] / (d*n)

Given a window length n and a sample rate fs, if shift is False:

f = [0, 1, ..., n] / (d*n)

If norm is True, \(d = 1\), else \(d = 1/f_s\).

  • fs (float) – Sampling rate.

  • n (int) – Number of samples.

  • norm (bool) – Normalize the frequencies.

  • shift (bool) – Does shift the zero frequency to center.


frequency array with size \(n×1\).

Return type

numpy array

pyailib.dsp.ffts.ifft(a, n=None, axis=- 1, norm=None, shift=False)
pyailib.dsp.ffts.ifftshift(x, axis=None)

Shift the zero-frequency component back.

The inverse of fftshift(). Although identical for even-length x, the functions differ by one sample for odd-length x.

  • x (numpy array) – The input array.

  • axis (int, optional) – Axes over which to shift. (Default is None, which shifts all axes.)


y – The shifted array.

Return type

numpy array

See also


The inverse of ifftshift.


x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
y = np.fft.ifftshift(x)
y = pl.ifftshift(x)

x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
y = np.fft.ifftshift(x)
y = pl.ifftshift(x)

axis = (0, 1)  # axis = 0, axis = 1
x = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]
y = np.fft.ifftshift(x, axis)
y = pl.ifftshift(x, axis)

x = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]
y = np.fft.ifftshift(x, axis)
y = pl.ifftshift(x, axis)
pyailib.dsp.ffts.ifftx(x, n=None)
pyailib.dsp.ffts.iffty(x, n=None)
pyailib.dsp.ffts.padfft(X, nfft=None, axis=0, shift=False)

PADFT Pad array for doing FFT or IFFT

PADFT Pad array for doing FFT or IFFT

  • X (ndarray) – Data to be padded.

  • nfft (int or None) – the number of fft point.

  • axis (int, optional) – Padding dimension. (the default is 0)

  • shift (bool, optional) – Whether to shift the frequency (the default is False)

pyailib.dsp.function_base module

pyailib.dsp.function_base.unwrap(x, discont=3.141592653589793, axis=- 1)

Unwrap by changing deltas between values to \(2\pi\) complement.

Unwrap radian phase x by changing absoluted jumps greater than discont to their \(2\pi\) complement along the given axis.

  • x (ndarray) – The input.

  • discont (float, optional) – Maximum discontinuity between values, default is \(\pi\).

  • axis (int, optional) – Axis along which unwrap will operate, default is the last axis.


The unwrapped.

Return type



x = np.array([3.14, -3.12, 3.12, 3.13, -3.11])
y_np = unwrap(x)
print(y_np, y_np.shape, type(y_np))

# output

tensor([3.1400, 3.1632, 3.1200, 3.1300, 3.1732], dtype=torch.float64) torch.Size([5]) <class 'torch.Tensor'>
pyailib.dsp.function_base.unwrap2(x, discont=3.141592653589793, axis=- 1)

Unwrap by changing deltas between values to \(2\pi\) complement.

Unwrap radian phase x by changing absoluted jumps greater than discont to their \(2\pi\) complement along the given axis. The elements are divided into 2 parts (with equal length) along the given axis. The first part is unwrapped in inverse order, while the second part is unwrapped in normal order.

  • x (Tensor) – The input.

  • discont (float, optional) – Maximum discontinuity between values, default is \(\pi\).

  • axis (int, optional) – Axis along which unwrap will operate, default is the last axis.


  • Tensor – The unwrapped.

  • see unwrap()


x = np.array([3.14, -3.12, 3.12, 3.13, -3.11])
y = unwrap(x)
print(y, y.shape, type(y))

x = np.array([3.14, -3.12, 3.12, 3.13, -3.11])
x = np.concatenate((x[::-1], x), axis=0)
y = unwrap2(x)
print(y, y.shape, type(y))

# output
[3.14       3.16318531 3.12       3.13       3.17318531] (5,) <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
[3.17318531 3.13       3.12       3.16318531 3.14       3.14
3.16318531 3.12       3.13       3.17318531] (10,) <class 'numpy.ndarray'>

pyailib.dsp.interpolation1d module

pyailib.dsp.interpolation1d.interp(x, xp, yp, mod='sinc')



  • x (array_like) – The x-coordinates of the interpolated values.

  • xp (1-D sequence of floats) – The x-coordinates of the data points, must be increasing if argument period is not specified. Otherwise, xp is internally sorted after normalizing the periodic boundaries with xp = xp % period.

  • yp (1-D sequence of float or complex) – The y-coordinates of the data points, same length as xp.

  • mod (str, optional) – 'sinc' : sinc interpolation (the default is ‘sinc’)


y – The interpolated values, same shape as x.

Return type

float or complex (corresponding to fp) or ndarray

pyailib.dsp.interpolation1d.sinc_interp(xin, r=1.0)
pyailib.dsp.interpolation1d.sinc_table(Nq, Ns)

pyailib.dsp.interpolation2d module

pyailib.dsp.interpolation2d.interp2d(X, ratio=(2, 2), axis=(0, 1), method='cubic')

pyailib.dsp.normalsignals module

pyailib.dsp.normalsignals.chirp(t, T, Kr)

Create a chirp signal: .. math:

S_{tx}(t) = rect(t/T) * exp(1j*pi*Kr*t^2)

Heavyside function : .. math:

hv(x) = {1, if x>=0; 0, otherwise}

Inverse Heavyside function: .. math:

ihv(x) = {0, if x>=0; 1, otherwise}

Rectangle function: .. math:

rect(x) = {1, if |x|<= 0.5; 0, otherwise}

Module contents