improc.enhancement package


improc.enhancement.bluring module

improc.enhancement.enhance module

improc.enhancement.enhance.imenhance(A, ftype='mean')[source]

improc.enhancement.histogram module

improc.enhancement.histogram.histeq(A, nbins=256, mask=None, mod=None)[source]

Histogram equalization for image with 1, 3, or more channels.


  • A ({numpy array}) – image data array for processing
  • nbins ({number}, optional) – Number of bins for image histogram. Note: this argument is ignored for integer images, for which each integer is its own bin.
  • mask ({ndarray of bools or 0s and 1s}, optional) – [description] (the default is None, which [default_description])
  • mod ({str}) – If mod is 'eachchannel', histogram equalization for each channel of A. If mod is None and the channel numbers of A is large than 3, the first three channel are treated as RGB.

equalized image array

Return type:

numpy array

improc.enhancement.sharpening module

Module contents