Source code for improc.transform.normal

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Date    : 2019-07-24 18:29:48
# @Author  : Zhi Liu (
# @Link    :
# @Version : $1.0$

import numpy as np
from improc.utils.const import EPS

[docs]def normalize(X, mean=None, std=None, axis=None, ver=False): r"""normalization .. math:: \bar{X} = \frac{X-\mu}{\sigma} Parameters ---------- X : {numpy ndarray} data to be normalized, mean : {list or None}, optional mean value (the default is None, which auto computed) std : {list or None}, optional standard deviation (the default is None, which auto computed) axis : {list or int}, optional specify the axis for computing mean value (the default is None, which all elements) axis : {bool}, optional if True, also return the mean and std (the default is False, which all elements) """ if mean is None: if axis is None: mean = np.mean(X) else: mean = np.mean(X, axis, keepdims=True) if std is None: if axis is None: std = np.std(X) else: std = np.std(X, axis, keepdims=True) if ver is True: return (X - mean) / std, mean, std else: return (X - mean) / std
if __name__ == '__main__': X = np.random.randn(4, 3, 5, 6) # X = th.randn(3, 4) XX = normalize(X, axis=(0, 2, 3)) XX, meanv, stdv = normalize(X, axis=(0, 2, 3), ver=True) print(XX.shape) print(meanv) print(stdv)