Source code for improc.common.randomfunc

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Date    : 2015-10-15 10:34:16
# @Author  : Zhi Liu (
# @Link    :
# @Version : $1.1$

import numpy as np

[docs]def randperm(start, end, number): """randperm function like matlab genarates diffrent random interges in range [start, end) Parameters ---------- start : {integer} start sampling point end : {integer} end sampling point number : {integer} random numbers """ P = np.random.permutation(range(start, end)) return P[0:number]
[docs]def randperm2d(H, W, number, population=None, mask=None): """randperm 2d function genarates diffrent random interges in range [start, end) Parameters ---------- H : {integer} height W : {integer} width number : {integer} random numbers population : {list or numpy array(1d or 2d)} part of population in range(0, H*W) """ if population is None: population = np.array(range(0, H * W)).reshape(H, W) population = np.array(population) if mask is not None and np.sum(mask) != 0: population = population[mask > 0] population = population.flatten() population = np.random.permutation(population) Ph = np.floor(population / W).astype('int') Pw = np.floor(population - Ph * W).astype('int') # print(Pw + Ph * W) return Ph[0:number], Pw[0:number]
if __name__ == '__main__': R = randperm(2, 10, 8) print(R) mask = np.zeros((5, 6)) mask[3, 4] = 0 mask[2, 5] = 0 Rh, Rw = randperm2d(5, 6, 4, mask=mask) print(Rh) print(Rw)