Source code for improc.blkptcs.patches

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Date    : 2015-09-31 21:38:26
# @Author  : Zhi Liu (
# @Link    :
# @Version : $1.1$

from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import math
import random
import numpy as np
# from scipy.misc import imread,
from import imreadadv, imwriteadv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ..transform.preprocessing import scalearr, imgdtype

from .utils import _hw1n2hwn, _imageinfo
from ..utils.log import *

from ..common.randomfunc import randperm2d

Functions to sample some images into patches.

Functions can sample different size images randomly:

.. autosummary::



def _cmpNumSamples(numptcs, numImages):
    numSamples = []
    temp = / numImages))
    rest = np.mod(numptcs, numImages)
    for i in range(0, numImages):
    if rest != 0:
        numSamples[random.randint(0, numImages - 1)] += rest
    return numSamples

[docs]def sampleimg(imgA, ptcsize, numSamples, imgB=None, imgC=None, seed=None): imgSize = imgA.shape np.random.seed(seed) P = np.reshape(np.array(range(0, imgSize[0] * imgSize[1])), imgSize[0:2])[0:imgSize[0] - ptcsize[0], 0:imgSize[1] - ptcsize[1]] ys, xs = randperm2d(imgSize[0], imgSize[1], numSamples, P) if imgSize[2] == ptcsize[2]: zs = [0] * numSamples else: zs = random.randint(0, imgSize[2] - ptcsize[2], numSamples) if imgB is None: patches1imgA = np.zeros(ptcsize + [numSamples], imgA.dtype) for s, y, x, z in zip(range(numSamples), ys, xs, zs): patches1imgA[:, :, :, s] = imgA[ y:y + ptcsize[0], x:x + ptcsize[1], z:z + ptcsize[2]] return patches1imgA if imgC is None: patches1imgA = np.zeros(ptcsize + [numSamples], imgA.dtype) patches1imgB = np.zeros(ptcsize + [numSamples], imgB.dtype) for s, y, x, z in zip(range(numSamples), ys, xs, zs): patches1imgA[:, :, :, s] = imgA[ y:y + ptcsize[0], x:x + ptcsize[1], z:z + ptcsize[2]] patches1imgB[:, :, :, s] = imgB[ y:y + ptcsize[0], x:x + ptcsize[1], z:z + ptcsize[2]] return patches1imgA, patches1imgB else: patches1imgA = np.zeros(ptcsize + [numSamples], imgA.dtype) patches1imgB = np.zeros(ptcsize + [numSamples], imgB.dtype) patches1imgC = np.zeros(ptcsize + [numSamples], imgC.dtype) for s, y, x, z in zip(range(numSamples), ys, xs, zs): patches1imgA[:, :, :, s] = imgA[ y:y + ptcsize[0], x:x + ptcsize[1], z:z + ptcsize[2]] patches1imgB[:, :, :, s] = imgB[ y:y + ptcsize[0], x:x + ptcsize[1], z:z + ptcsize[2]] patches1imgC[:, :, :, s] = imgC[ y:y + ptcsize[0], x:x + ptcsize[1], z:z + ptcsize[2]] return patches1imgA, patches1imgB, patches1imgC
[docs]def imgs2ptcs(imgs, ptcsize, numptcs, seed=None): r""" Sample diffrent patches from imgs. Parameters ---------- imgs : {array_like, or list of image pathes}. Images to be sampled, a H-W-C-N numpy ndarray, or a list of image pathes with diffrent image shapes. ptcsize : {int tuple, list or None, optional} Specifies the each patch size (rows, cols, channel) that you want to sampled. If not given, ptcsize=[8, 8, 1]. numptcs : {int or None, optional} The number of patches that you want to sample, if None, numptcs=100. seed : {int or None, optional} Random seed, default None(differ each time. Returns ------- ptcs : {ndarray} A bH-bW-bC-bN numpy ndarray, (bH, bW, bC) == ptcsize. See Also -------- imgs2blks, blks2imgs, showblks. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt >>> from imgblk import imgs2ptcs, showblks >>> ptcsize = [128, 128, 3] >>> numptcs = 20 >>> imgspathes = ['/mnt/d/DataSets/oi/nsi/classical/BaboonRGB.bmp', '/mnt/d/DataSets/oi/nsi/classical/LenaRGB.bmp',] >>> ptcs = imgs2ptcs(imgspathes, ptcsize , numptcs) >>> print(ptcs.dtype, ptcs.shape) >>> # show >>> showblks(ptcs, rcsize=(10,10)) See "", "", "", "" for more Examples. """ if ptcsize is None: ptcsize = (8, 8, 1) if numptcs is None: numptcs = 100 ptcsize = list(ptcsize)"---In imgs2ptcs...") # numpy ndarray H-W-C-N if isinstance(imgs, np.ndarray) and np.ndim(imgs) == 4: numimgs = np.size(imgs, 3) numSamples = _cmpNumSamples(numptcs, numimgs) ptcs = np.zeros(ptcsize + [numptcs], imgs.dtype) cpos = 0 for i in range(numimgs): ptcs[:, :, :, cpos:cpos + numSamples[i]] = sampleimg( imgs[:, :, :, i], ptcsize, numSamples[i], seed=seed) cpos += numSamples[i] return ptcs # image path list elif isinstance(imgs, list): numimgs = len(imgs) if numimgs == 0:"---Out imgs2ptcs...") return None else: numSamples = _cmpNumSamples(numptcs, numimgs) # get image data type flag, dtype, ndimA, _ = _imageinfo(imgs[0]) if flag: ptcs = np.zeros(ptcsize + [numptcs], dtype) else: raise TypeError( 'bad image pathes list type,' 'each element of the list should be string') i = 0 cpos = 0 for imgpath in imgs: flag, _, ndim, img = _imageinfo(imgpath) print(img.shape, imgpath) if flag: if ndim == ndimA: ptcs[:, :, :, cpos:cpos + numSamples[i]] = sampleimg( img, ptcsize, numSamples[i], seed=seed) cpos += numSamples[i] i = i + 1 else: raise TypeError( 'I have got images with different' + 'ndim:', ndimA, ndim) else: raise TypeError('Not an image!')"---Out imgs2ptcs...") return ptcs else: raise TypeError( '"imgs" should be a path list or H-W-C-N numpy ndarray!')"---Out imgs2ptcs...")
[docs]def imgsAB2ptcs(imgsA, imgsB, ptcsize, numptcs, seed=None): r""" Sampling diffrent patches from imgsA imgsB. Parameters ---------- imgsA/B : {array_like, or list of image pathes.} Images to be sampled, a H-W-C-N numpy ndarray, or a list of image pathes with diffrent image shapes. ptcsize : {int tuple, list or None, optional} Specifies the each patch size (rows, cols, channel) that you want to sampled. If not given, ptcsize=[8, 8, 1]. numptcs : {int or None, optional} The number of patches that you want to sample, if None, numptcs=100. seed : {int or None, optional} Random seed, default None(differ each time. Returns ------- ptcsA : {ndarray} A bH-bW-bC-bN numpy ndarray, (bH, bW, bC) == ptcsize. ptcsB : {ndarray} A bH-bW-bC-bN numpy ndarray, (bH, bW, bC) == ptcsize. See Also -------- imgs2blks, blks2imgs, showblks. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt >>> from imgblk import imgs2ptcs, showblks >>> ptcsize = [128, 128, 3] >>> numptcs = 20 >>> imgspathesA = ['/mnt/d/DataSets/oi/nsi/classical/BaboonRGB.bmp'] imgspathesB = ['/mnt/d/DataSets/oi/nsi/classical/LenaRGB.bmp'] >>> ptcsA, ptcsB = imgsAB2ptcs(imgspathesA, imgspathesB, ptcsize , numptcs) >>> print(ptcsA.dtype, ptcsA.shape) >>> # show >>> showblks(ptcsA, rcsize=(10,10)) See "", "", "", "" for more Examples. """"---In imgsAB2ptcs...") if ptcsize is None: ptcsize = (8, 8, 1) if numptcs is None: numptcs = 100 # numpy ndarray H-W-C-N if isinstance(imgsA, np.ndarray) and np.ndim(imgsA) == 4: numimgs = np.size(imgsA, 3) numSamples = _cmpNumSamples(numptcs, numimgs) ptcsA = np.zeros(ptcsize + [numptcs], imgsA.dtype) ptcsB = np.zeros(ptcsize + [numptcs], imgsB.dtype) cpos = 0 for i in range(numimgs): ptcA, ptcB = sampleimg(imgsA[:, :, :, i], ptcsize, numSamples[ i], imgsB[:, :, :, i], seed=seed) ptcsA[:, :, :, cpos:cpos + numSamples[i]] = ptcA ptcsB[:, :, :, cpos:cpos + numSamples[i]] = ptcB cpos += numSamples[i]"---Out imgsAB2ptcs...") return ptcsA, ptcsB # image path list elif isinstance(imgsA, list): numimgs = len(imgsA) if numimgs == 0:"~~~No Images!")"---Out imgsAB2ptcs...") return None else: numSamples = _cmpNumSamples(numptcs, numimgs) # get image data type flag, dtype, ndimA, _ = _imageinfo(imgsA[0]) if flag: ptcsA = np.zeros(ptcsize + [numptcs], dtype) ptcsB = np.zeros(ptcsize + [numptcs], dtype) else: raise TypeError( 'bad image pathes list type,' 'each element of the list should be string') cpos = 0 for n in range(numimgs): imgpathA = imgsA[n] imgpathB = imgsB[n] # print(imgpathA, imgpathB) flag, _, ndim, imgB = _imageinfo(imgpathB) flag, _, ndim, imgA = _imageinfo(imgpathA) if flag: if ndim == ndimA: ptcA, ptcB = sampleimg(imgA, ptcsize, numSamples[ n], imgB, seed=seed) ptcsA[:, :, :, cpos:cpos + numSamples[n]] = ptcA ptcsB[:, :, :, cpos:cpos + numSamples[n]] = ptcB cpos += numSamples[n] else: raise TypeError( 'I have got images with different' + 'ndim:', ndimA, ndim) else: raise TypeError('Not an image!')"---Out imgsAB2ptcs...") return ptcsA, ptcsB # return patches else: raise TypeError( '"imgs" should be a path list or H-W-C-N numpy ndarray!')
[docs]def imgsABC2ptcs(imgsA, imgsB, imgsC, ptcsize, numptcs, seed=None): r""" Sampling diffrent patches from imgsA imgsB imgsC. Parameters ---------- imgsA/B/C : {array_like, or list of image pathes}. Images to be sampled, a H-W-C-N numpy ndarray, or a list of image pathes with diffrent image shapes. ptcsize : {int tuple, list or None, optional} Specifies the each patch size (rows, cols, channel) that you want to sampled. If not given, ptcsize=[8, 8, 1]. numptcs : {int or None, optional} The number of patches that you want to sample, if None, numptcs=100. seed : {int or None, optional} Random seed, default None(differ each time. Returns ------- ptcsA : {ndarray} A bH-bW-bC-bN numpy ndarray, (bH, bW, bC) == ptcsize. ptcsB : {ndarray} A bH-bW-bC-bN numpy ndarray, (bH, bW, bC) == ptcsize. ptcsC : {ndarray} A bH-bW-bC-bN numpy ndarray, (bH, bW, bC) == ptcsize. See Also -------- imgs2blks, blks2imgs, showblks. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt >>> from imgblk import imgs2ptcs, showblks >>> ptcsize = [128, 128, 3] >>> numptcs = 20 >>> imgspathesA = ['/mnt/d/DataSets/oi/nsi/classical/BaboonRGB.bmp'] imgspathesB = ['/mnt/d/DataSets/oi/nsi/classical/LenaRGB.bmp'] >>> ptcsA, ptcsB = imgsAB2ptcs(imgspathesA, imgspathesB, ptcsize , numptcs) >>> print(ptcsA.dtype, ptcsA.shape) >>> # show >>> showblks(ptcsA, rcsize=(10,10)) See "", "", "", "" for more Examples. """"---IN imgsABC2ptcs...") if ptcsize is None: ptcsize = (8, 8, 1) if numptcs is None: numptcs = 100 # numpy ndarray H-W-C-N if isinstance(imgsA, np.ndarray) and np.ndim(imgsA) == 4: numimgs = np.size(imgsA, 3) numSamples = _cmpNumSamples(numptcs, numimgs) ptcsA = np.zeros(ptcsize + [numptcs], imgsA.dtype) ptcsB = np.zeros(ptcsize + [numptcs], imgsB.dtype) ptcsC = np.zeros(ptcsize + [numptcs], imgsC.dtype) cpos = 0 for i in range(numimgs): # print(i, numimgs) # print(imgsA.shape, imgsB.shape, imgsC.shape) ptcA, ptcB, ptcC = sampleimg(imgsA[:, :, :, i], ptcsize, numSamples[i], imgsB[:, :, :, i], imgsC[:, :, :, i], seed=seed) # print(ptcA.shape, ptcB.shape, ptcC.shape) # print(i, numSamples[i], ptcA.shape, ptcB.shape, ptcC.shape) ptcsA[:, :, :, cpos:cpos + numSamples[i]] = ptcA ptcsB[:, :, :, cpos:cpos + numSamples[i]] = ptcB ptcsC[:, :, :, cpos:cpos + numSamples[i]] = ptcC cpos += numSamples[i]"---Out imgsABC2ptcs...") return ptcsA, ptcsB, ptcsC # image path list elif isinstance(imgsA, list): numimgs = len(imgsA) if numimgs == 0:"~~~No images!")"---Out imgsABC2ptcs...") return None else: numSamples = _cmpNumSamples(numptcs, numimgs) # get image data type flag, dtype, ndimA, _ = _imageinfo(imgsA[0]) if flag: ptcsA = np.zeros(ptcsize + [numptcs], dtype) ptcsB = np.zeros(ptcsize + [numptcs], dtype) else: raise TypeError( 'bad image pathes list type,' 'each element of the list should be string') cpos = 0 for n in range(numimgs): imgpathA = imgsA[n] imgpathB = imgsB[n] imgpathC = imgsC[n] flag, _, ndimA, imgA = _imageinfo(imgpathA) flag, _, ndimB, imgB = _imageinfo(imgpathB) flag, _, ndimC, imgC = _imageinfo(imgpathC) if flag: if (ndimC == ndimA) and (ndimB == ndimA) and (ndimB == ndimC): ptcA, ptcB, ptcC = sampleimg( imgA, ptcsize, numSamples[n], imgB, imgC, seed=seed) ptcsA[:, :, :, cpos:cpos + numSamples[n]] = ptcA ptcsB[:, :, :, cpos:cpos + numSamples[n]] = ptcB ptcsC[:, :, :, cpos:cpos + numSamples[n]] = ptcC cpos += numSamples[n] else: raise TypeError( 'I have got images with different dim %f, %f, %f ' % (ndimA, ndimB, ndimC)) else: raise TypeError('Not an image!')"---Out imgsAB2ptcs...") return ptcsA, ptcsB, ptcsC # return patches else: raise TypeError( '"imgs" should be a path list or H-W-C-N numpy ndarray!')
[docs]def selptcs(patches, numsel=None, method=None, thresh=None, sort=None): r""" Selects some patches based on std, var... Parameters ---------- patches : {array_like} Image patches, a pH-pW-pC-pN numpy ndarray. numsel : {int, float or None, optional} How many patches you want to select. If integer, then returns numsel patches; If float in [0,1], then numsel*100 percent of the patches will be returned. If not given, does not affect. method : {str or None, optional} Specifies which method to used for evaluating each patch. Option: 'std'(standard deviation), 'var'(variance), the first numsel patch scores will be returned. If not given, does nothing. thresh : {float, optional} When method are specified, using thresh as the threshold, and those patches whose scores are larger(>=) then thresh will be returned. sort : {str or None, optional} Sorts the patches according to pathes scores in sort way('descent', 'ascent'). If not given, does not affect, i.e. origional order. Returns ------- selpat : {ndarray} A pH-pW-pC-pNx numpy ndarray. idxsel : {ndarray} A pNx numpy array, indicates the position of selpat in patches. selptcs_scores: {ndarray} A pNx numpy array, indicates the scores of selpat in patches, with measurements specfied by method. See Also -------- imgs2ptcs, imgs2blks, blks2imgs, showblks. Examples -------- >>> patches = np.uint8(np.random.randint(0, 255, (8, 8, 3, 101))) >>> # just compute scores: >>> selpat, _, scores = selptcs(patches, method='std') >>> # compute scores and sort by scores: >>> selpat, _, scores = selptcs(patches, method='std', sort='descent') >>> # compute scores and sort by scores, and just select scores > thresh >>> selpat, idxsel, _ = selptcs(patches, method='std', thresh=15) >>> # compute scores and sort by scores, and select scores > thresh, and >>> # sort in descending order. >>> selpat, idxsel, _ = selptcs(patches, method='std', thresh=15, sort='descent') >>> """"---In selptcs...") if isinstance(patches, np.ndarray): pH, pW, pC, pN = patches.shape else: raise TypeError('"patches" should be a pH-pW-pC-pN numpy ndarray.') if numsel is None: numsel = pN if isinstance(numsel, float) and (numsel >= 0 and numsel <= 1): numsel = int(numsel * pN) idxsel = np.array(range(0, pN)) # check method if method is None:"---Out selptcs.") return patches, idxsel[0:min(numsel, pN)], None elif method == 'var': selptcs_scores = np.reshape(patches, (pH * pW * pC, pN)) # pH*pW*pC-pN selptcs_scores = np.var(selptcs_scores, 0) # (pN,) elif method == 'std': selptcs_scores = np.reshape(patches, (pH * pW * pC, pN)) # pH*pW*pC-pN selptcs_scores = np.std(selptcs_scores, 0) # (pN,) else: raise ValueError('method' + ' does not support now!') if thresh is not None: idxsel = idxsel[selptcs_scores >= thresh] selptcs_scores = selptcs_scores[idxsel] if sort == 'ascent': idxsel = np.argsort(selptcs_scores, 0) selptcs_scores = selptcs_scores[idxsel] elif sort == 'descent': idxsel = np.argsort(selptcs_scores, 0) idxsel = idxsel[::-1] selptcs_scores = selptcs_scores[idxsel] elif sort is None: idxsel = np.array(range(0, min(numsel, pN))) selptcs_scores = selptcs_scores[idxsel] else: raise ValueError('"sort" should be ascent, descent or None!') idxsel = idxsel[0:min(numsel, pN)]"---Out selptcs.") return patches[:, :, :, idxsel], idxsel, selptcs_scores
[docs]def geocluptcs(patches, method='std', thresh=None, Rstar=None, sort='descent'): r""" Classifies patches into smooth blocks and rough blocks Parameters ---------- patches : {array_like} Image patches, a pH-pW-pC-pN numpy ndarray. thresh : {float or None, optional} Threshold for spliting smooth block and rough block. Rstar : {float or None, optional} Specifies which method to used for evaluating each patch. Option: 'std'(standard deviation), 'var'(variance), Returns ------- selpat : {ndarray} A pH-pW-pC-pNx numpy ndarray. idxsel : {ndarray} A pNx numpy array, indicates the position of selpat in patches. selptcs_scores: {ndarray} A pNx numpy array, indicates the scores of selpat in patches, with measurements specfied by method. See Also -------- imgs2ptcs, imgs2blks, blks2imgs, showblks. Examples -------- >>> patches = np.uint8(np.random.randint(0, 255, (8, 8, 3, 101))) >>> # just compute scores: >>> selpat, _, scores = geocluptcs(patches, method='std') >>> # compute scores and sort by scores: >>> selpat, _, scores = selptcs(patches, method='std', sort='descent') >>> # compute scores and sort by scores, and just select scores > thresh >>> selpat, idxsel, _ = selptcs(patches, method='std', thresh=15) >>> # compute scores and sort by scores, and select scores > thresh, and >>> # sort in descending order. >>> selpat, idxsel, _ = selptcs(patches, method='std', thresh=15, sort='descent') >>> """"---In geocluptcs...") if not (isinstance(patches, np.ndarray) and patches.ndim == 4): raise TypeError('"patches" should be a pH-pW-pC-pN numpy array!') pH, pW, pC, pN = patches.shape sortptcs, sortptcs_idx, sortptcs_scores = selptcs( patches, method=method, sort=sort) if thresh is None: thresh = np.mean(sortptcs_scores) / 2 # split smooth block and rough block smoothptcs_idx = sortptcs_idx[sortptcs_scores < thresh] smoothptcs = patches[:, :, :, smoothptcs_idx] roughptcs_idx = sortptcs_idx[sortptcs_scores >= thresh] roughptcs = patches[:, :, :, roughptcs_idx] rpN = np.size(roughptcs, 3) # compute the gradient of rough blocks if pC == 1: # gray patches # dh: pH-pW-rpN, given arr with type uint8, If g<0, then np.gradient # return wrong (e.g.,-255 -> 1, -127.5 -> 0.5), so, convert to float # , or scale to [0,1] dh, dw, _ = np.gradient(_hw1n2hwn(roughptcs).astype(np.float32)) G = np.concatenate(( dh.reshape(pH * pW * pC, rpN), dw.reshape(pH * pW * pC, rpN)), axis=1) G = G.reshape(pH * pW * pC, 2, rpN) elif pC > 1: dh, dw, dc, _ = np.gradient(roughptcs.astype(np.float32)) G = np.concatenate(( dh.reshape(pH * pW * pC, rpN), dw.reshape(pH * pW * pC, rpN)), axis=1) G = np.concatenate(( G, dc.reshape(pH * pW * pC, rpN)), axis=1) G = G.reshape(pH * pW * pC, 3, rpN) # compute Singular vector and value R = [] Angle = [] eps = 1e-10 for k in range(0, rpN): u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(G[:, :, k]) # 64*2 or 192*3 R.append((s[0] - s[1]) / (s[0] + s[1] + eps)) Angle.append(np.arctan(v[0, 1] / v[0, 0])) R = np.array(R) Angle = np.array(Angle) # classify rough patches dominantptcs = [] dominantptcs_idx = [] if Rstar is None: Rstar = 0.2 stochasticptcs_idx = roughptcs_idx[R < Rstar] stochasticptcs = patches[:, :, :, stochasticptcs_idx] dom_idx = roughptcs_idx[R >= Rstar] dom_angle = Angle[R >= Rstar] # (-pi/2, pi/2) # divide into 0, pi/6, pi/3 pi/2(-pi/2), 2pi/3(-pi/3), 5pi/6(-pi/6), # so delta = pi/12 delta = np.pi / 12 # 0 rad patches dominantptcs_idx.append(dom_idx[abs(dom_angle) < delta]) dominantptcs_idx.append(dom_idx[abs(dom_angle - np.pi / 6) <= delta]) dominantptcs_idx.append(dom_idx[abs(dom_angle - np.pi / 3) < delta]) dominantptcs_idx.append( dom_idx[abs((abs(dom_angle) - np.pi / 2)) <= delta]) dominantptcs_idx.append(dom_idx[abs(dom_angle + np.pi / 3) < delta]) dominantptcs_idx.append(dom_idx[abs(dom_angle + np.pi / 6) <= delta]) for k in range(0, 6, 1): if len(dominantptcs_idx[k]) != 0: dominantptcs.append(patches[:, :, :, dominantptcs_idx[k]]) else: dominantptcs.append(np.array([])) if len(smoothptcs_idx) == 0: smoothptcs = np.array([]) if len(stochasticptcs_idx) == 0: stochasticptcs = np.array([])"---Out geocluptcs.") return smoothptcs, dominantptcs, stochasticptcs,\ smoothptcs_idx, dominantptcs_idx, stochasticptcs_idx